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Ref.: FA583
Artistic Direction : KENICHI TAKAHASHI
Label : Frémeaux & Associés
Total duration of the pack : 49 minutes
Nbre. CD : 1

Serving as the Imperial capital for over a thousand years (794-1869), Kyoto was Japan’s most substantial arts centre, especially in the field of music. Elegant courtly composition (known as gagaku) flourished there, as did nô theatre with its songs and dances, but also forms aimed at the merchant-classes, such as choreography (in kabuki theatre), melodies for the samisen (lute) or the sitar-like koto, as well as music to accompany traditional celebrations. This record is a genuine musical encyclopaedia which takes us on a captivating, instructive journey through melodic soundscapes at the hands of some of Japan’s major performers. Christophe LOINTIER
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Sakura (Thème sur un solo de Koto)Uehara Junnosuke, Okamoto Yoshimufi, Sugiara Mitsuru, Kawamata Yazan, Tosha Rio, Mochizuki Harumi, Ro Kyonsun00:06:112011
2Gosho No Owina (Les Jardins du Palais Imperial)Uehara Junnosuke, Okamoto Yoshimufi, Sugiara Mitsuru, Kawamata Yazan, Tosha Rio, Mochizuki Harumi, Ro Kyonsun00:02:472011
3Gion Kouta (Chanson de Gion)Uehara Junnosuke, Okamoto Yoshimufi, Sugiara Mitsuru, Kawamata Yazan, Tosha Rio, Mochizuki Harumi, Ro Kyonsun00:05:272011
4Saga No Aki (L'Automne à Saga)Uehara Junnosuke, Okamoto Yoshimufi, Sugiara Mitsuru, Kawamata Yazan, Tosha Rio, Mochizuki Harumi, Ro Kyonsun00:08:282011
5Kyo No Shiki (Les Quatre Saisons de Kyoto)Uehara Junnosuke, Okamoto Yoshimufi, Sugiara Mitsuru, Kawamata Yazan, Tosha Rio, Mochizuki Harumi, Ro Kyonsun00:05:522011
6Gosho Guruma (Le Char Imperial)Uehara Junnosuke, Okamoto Yoshimufi, Sugiara Mitsuru, Kawamata Yazan, Tosha Rio, Mochizuki Harumi, Ro Kyonsun00:04:472011
7Gion Bayashi (Ensemble de percussions de Gion)Uehara Junnosuke, Okamoto Yoshimufi, Sugiara Mitsuru, Kawamata Yazan, Tosha Rio, Mochizuki Harumi, Ro Kyonsun00:05:152011
8Kyo No Daibuttsan (Le Grand Bouddha de Kyoto)Uehara Junnosuke, Okamoto Yoshimufi, Sugiara Mitsuru, Kawamata Yazan, Tosha Rio, Mochizuki Harumi, Ro Kyonsun00:03:322011
9Haru No Umi (Mer de Printemps)Uehara Junnosuke, Okamoto Yoshimufi, Sugiara Mitsuru, Kawamata Yazan, Tosha Rio, Mochizuki Harumi, Ro Kyonsun00:07:172011
Kyoto - The Ultimate Sound Souvenir Capitale impériale pendant plus de mille ans (794-1869), Kyoto fut le plus substantiel terreau des arts japonais - pour la musique notablement. Y fleurirent le gagaku, composition pour la noblesse de cour, le théâtre no, chanté et dansé, mais également des formes destinées à la classe marchande comme le théâtre kabuki chorégraphié, les mélodies pour le shamisen (luth) ou pour le koto (cithare), ainsi que les musiques d’accompagnement lors des fêtes traditionnelles. Véritable encyclopédie musicale, ce disque est donc l’occasion d’un édifiant et captivant voyage à travers ces divers paysages mélodiques, tracés par les interprètes les plus importants du Japon contemporain.
Christophe Lointier
Serving as the Imperial capital for over a thousand years (794-1869), Kyoto was Japan’s most substantial arts centre, especially in the field of music. Elegant courtly composition (known as gagaku) flourished there, as did nô theatre with its songs and dances, but also forms aimed at the merchant-classes, such as choreography (in kabuki theatre), melodies for the samisen (lute) or the sitar-like koto, as well as music to accompany traditional celebrations. This record is a genuine musical encyclopaedia which takes us on a captivating, instructive journey through melodic soundscapes at the hands of some of Japan’s major performers.
Christophe Lointier
1. Sakura
Thème sur un solo de Koto et six variations / Six Variation based on the introductory Koto Theme
2. Gosho no Oniwa
Les jardins du palais impérial / Imperial palace garden
3. Gion Kouta
Chanson de Gion / Song of Gion
4. Saga no Aki
L’automne à Saga / Autumn of Saga
5. Kyo- no Shiki
Les Quatre saisons de Kyoto / Four Seasons of Kyo-to
6. Gosho-guruma
Le char impérial / Imperial cart
7. Gion-bayashi
Ensemble à percussion de Gion /Percussion Ensemble of Gion
8. Kyo- no Daibuttsan
Le grand Bouddha de Kyoto / Great Buddha of Kyo-to
9. Haru no Umi
Mer de printemps / The sea of Spring
Produit en 2011 par Nukui Ryo pour Respect Record (Kenichi Takahashi), licencié en 2013 à Frémeaux & Associés
Enregistrement et Montage : au studio Sound City (Tokyo) par Hattori Fumio, assisté par Hata Masanori.
Mastering : Tanaka Mitsukazu assisté par Tonosu Makoto à Bernie Grundman Mastering
Dessin de couverture : Anyan
Conception graphique : Sakamura Kenji for C2design
Photo : Tozawa Yuji
Textes livret : Morishige Yukitoshi
Adaptation françaises et anglaises : Corinne Atlan et Ichikawa Hiroshi / Dan Bradley, Mikata Sara
Production exécutive : Kenichi Takahashi
Remerciements : Tabata Norico, Watanabe Yoshiya
Uehara Junnosuke : Shamisen (Hosozao Shamisen – Chu‐zao Shamisen – Kyo‐ Shamisen [Yanagawa Shamisen])
Okamoto Yoshifumi : Kokyu‐Sugiura Mitsuru : Koto (sô)
Kawamata Yazan : Shakuhachi
To‐sha Rio : flûtes Shinobue et Nôkan
Michizuki Harumi et Ro Kyonsun : percussions
CD KYOTO THE ULTIMATE SOUND SOUVENIR © Frémeaux & Associés 2013 / RESPECT RECORD 2011 (frémeaux, frémaux, frémau, frémaud, frémault, frémo, frémont, fermeaux, fremeaux, fremaux, fremau, fremaud, fremault, fremo, fremont, CD audio, 78 tours, disques anciens, CD à acheter, écouter des vieux enregistrements, albums, rééditions, anthologies ou intégrales sont disponibles sous forme de CD et par téléchargement.)