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Ref.: FA493
Label : Frémeaux & Associés
Total duration of the pack : 45 minutes
Nbre. CD : 1

“Bob Lenox presents a rare synthesis of ‘Vanguard’ blues-folk music passed down from the seventies with a contemporary mystical aspect after an extended break which led him to Berlin, where he lives today. A dissenting child in the United-States and an artist in the bubbling post-war ambience of New York, at an early age Bob Lenox was greatly esteemed by the biggest names in music, such as Tina and Ike Turner, Joe Cocker, Charles Mingus and Jimi Hendrix in the late sixties. The accursed poet couldn’t escape from the dire fate of dissenting artists of the period, and went into a long exile in the late seventies. Elias Bellouti and Tony Baillargeat met Bob Lenox in Berlin in 2004 and persuaded him to record this album in which the artist goes to the source of his creativity and soul in order to offer twelve tracks of rare potency, placing Bob Lenox in the front line of America’s best blues and folk musicians: pioneers such as Jimmie Rodgers, Gene Autry and Hank Williams, and the latest idols – Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash – in a style which reminds us of Calvin Russell and even Tom Waits.” Patrick Frémeaux & Benjamin Goldenstein

MOANIN' THE BLUES 1947 - 1951


THE BLUES 1932 - 1945


PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1That's Not MeBob LenoxBob Lenox00:05:032006
2Life is FineBob LenoxBob Lenox00:03:462006
3In The Middle Of My DreamsBob LenoxBob Lenox00:03:322006
4SunshineBob LenoxBob Lenox00:03:342006
5Angels On My ShoulderBob LenoxBob Lenox00:03:562006
6Sister FlyBob LenoxBob Lenox00:02:132006
7Dear MamaBob LenoxBob Lenox00:04:012006
8There is No RightBob LenoxBob Lenox00:03:042006
9Lonesome CowboyBob LenoxBob Lenox00:05:022006
10Sanctuary BonusBob LenoxBob Lenox00:04:112006
1136 Seconds Version CajunBob LenoxBob Lenox00:04:242006
1236 Secondes Versin RockBob LenoxBob Lenox00:02:432006
Bob Lenox Season of Souls
Bob Lenox BOB LENOX Bob Lenox, américain de souche irlandaise est né à New York en 1944. Il a treize ans quand débute sa carrière professionnelle avec son groupe « Kiwi and the Dynamics » (1957). Il attire rapidement l’attention de « Capitol Records » pour qui il enregistre son premier 33 tours. Musicien de génie et compositeur précoce, il devient un pianiste de renom, connu pour son style individuel au phrasé « jazz », un musicien avec lequel il faut absolument travailler. Etendant son style au folk et au rock, il rejoint ensuite « Vanguard Records » et collabore alors avec de prestigieux artistes tels que Ike et Tina Turner, Joe Cocker, Esther Philips, Garland Jefferies, Charli Persip, Charles Mingus, Scott Faggan, Mort Shuman, ou encore Jimi Hendrix qui demandera à Bob, la permission de jouer avec lui plusieurs soirs de suite à « l’ Electric Circus » de New York. Cette époque le voit également participer à de grands shows télévisés comme « Saturday Night Live », « Good Morning America » ou encore « Don Kirschner’s Rock Concert ». Engagé par la célèbre Warner Brothers Company, il enchaîne de manière frénétique les concerts dans les clubs les plus connus des Etats-Unis jusqu’à ce que l’alcool et la drogue aient raison de sa santé. En effet, la fin des années 70 voit sombrer Bob Lenox dans un abîme sans fond qui le fait déserter la scène musicale américaine au profit des chambres sordides dans lesquelles il s’enferme des années durant pour fouiller dans ce qu’il appelle lui-même : « La faille abyssale de l’être humain : la solitude ». C’est à Berlin que le chemin chaotique emprunté par Bob Lenox, croise celui de Tony Baillargeat et d’Elias Bellouti venus dans la capitale allemande pour les besoins d’un film de fiction qu’ils ne tourneront jamais et qui devait s’intituler « La saison des âmes »… Impressionnés par le charisme et le talent intact du chanteur, ils décident alors de mettre le peu d’argent du film qu’ils avaient réunis dans la production d’un album qui devra porter le même titre. Huit mois plus tard, « Season of Souls » est né. Il contient dix titres dont le lyrisme n’a d’égale que la puissance de la nature sur le rythme des saisons. C’est un album « écologique » dans le sens où il adopte le temps éternel et intérieur d’un homme à la voix exceptionnelle qui a tout vu et tout vécu sans tricher et qui l’exprime sans mentir. C’est un album pur et épuré de tout sentimentalisme, dans le sens extérieur et académique du terme. Comme l’a écrit Nick Tosches sur la musique du mystérieux Emmett Miller, celle de Bob Lenox fait chavirer l’esprit de ceux qui l’écoutent car ce n’est « ni du country, ni du blues, ni du jazz… elle n’est ni noire, ni blanche, elle est une alchimie de tout cela… » Cet album au style raffiné est l’amalgame de toutes ces sources inconnues qui ont créé la musique américaine telle qu’on la conçoit aujourd’hui. Il rend hommage aux pionniers que sont Jimmie Rodgers, Gene Autry ou encore Furry Lewis ; il salue en chemin Hank Williams et Ernest Tubb, se permettant même d’adresser un clin d’oeil affectueux vers Bob Dylan et Johnny Cash. english notes Bob Lenox, an American musician of Irish stock was born in New York in 1944. At the age of 13 he began his professional career with his group “Kiwi and the Dynamics” (1957) and quickly attracted the attention of Capitol Records which produced his first recording. A precocious composer and musical genius, he soon became a renowned pianist, famous for his individual style of phrased “jazz”. Extending his style to folk and rock’n’roll, he joined Vanguard Records where he collaborated with prestigious artists such as Ike and Tina Turner, Joe Cocker, Esther Philips, Garland Jefferies, Charli Persip, Charles Mingus, Scott Faggan, Mort Shuman, and Jimi Hendrix who jammed with Bob for several evenings in New York following the “Electric Circus”. This period also found him participating in great televised shows like “Saturday Night Live”, “Good Morning America” or “Gift Kirschner’s Rock Concert”. Engaged by Warner Brothers, he hectically travelled from concert to concert in the best known clubs of the United States until alcohol and drugs overtook his health. The end of the Seventies saw Bob Lenox sinking into a bottomless abyss which prompted him to desert the American musical scene for the sordid rooms in which he locked himself up over the ensuing years with what he calls: “the abyssal human fault: loneliness “. It was in Berlin that the chaotic path borrowed by Bob Lenox crossed that of Tony Baillargeat and Elias Bellouti who had come there for the needs of a feature film which they would never shoot and which was to be entitled Season of Souls”. Impressed by the charisma and intact talent of the singer, they decided to put the money for the film which they had mustered up to produce a record album with the same title. Eight month later, “Season of Souls” was born. It contains ten titles whose lyricism is only equalled by the power of nature on the rhythm of the seasons. It is an “ecological” album in the sense that it adopts the eternal and internal time of one man with an exceptional voice who saw and lived everything honestly and who expressed it without lies. As Nick Tosches wrote about the music of the mysterious Emmett Miller, that of Bob Lenox capsizes the spirit of those who listen to it because it is “neither country, neither blues, neither jazz... it is neither black, nor white, it is an alchemy of all of these...” This album with its refined style is an amalgam of all those unknown sources which created American music such as we conceive of it today. It pays homage to the pioneers Jimmie Rodgers, Gene Autry or Furry Lewis; it salutes Hank Williams and Ernest Tubb, and even addresses an affectionate wink towards Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash. CHORUS OLD JESUS FOUND HIS PEACE ON EARTH CHORUS….. GONNA BUY A CAR IN THE DDR CHORUS….. OH JESUS CAN YOU GIVE ME ANOTHER TASTE LIFE IS FINE I’ve been trying to cope With clouds in my eyes I remember the day, Chorus You brought me to tears, Don’t worry about me, Sometimes I can see And the angels on my shoulder I’ve only got a little time For a crime I committed a long SYSTER FLY Sisterin’ down the highway doing a hundred and nine Oh sister fly’s out tonight if you got some time Started out to hustle at the age of ten Oh sister fly’s out tonight if you got some time Sets up her tent then invites you in Oh sister fly’s out tonight if you got some time Amen I WANT TO THANK TONY AND ELIAS FOR THEIR NEVER ENDING SUPPORT. THE MUSICIANS IN THIS BAND ARE SOME OF THE BEST IN THE WORLD … ALL SOLO ARTISTs COMING TOGETHER FOR THIS PRODUCTION… ERIC FOR HIS SUPER GUITAR... MICHA EL FOR THE BEAT... STEFAN’S BRILLANT BASSWORK..ANDREJ’S VIOLIN PLAYING IS MAGIC.. MELISSA, MY DAUGHTER ... IS THE ANGEL … MARKO THE MAESTRO KNOWS THE RIGHT PLUGIN TO USE... THIS MUSIC IS MADE LIVE WITH A LOT OF LOVE, POETRY AND HOPE THAT SOME HOW IT HELPS SOMEONE SOMEWHERE… BOB LENOX (JANUARY 2006) Musicians All guitars : Eric St-Laurent Bass : Stefan Weeke Drums : Michael Griener Cello : Akira Ando, Solveigh Hubner Violin : Andrej Sudnitsyn Voice and Guitar : Bob Lenox Featuring on “Life is fine” : Melissa Lenox All words and music by : Bob Lenox Recorded and mixed by Marko Birkner at Studio P1, BERLIN Désign by Pierre Chatellier / Cover photography by Elias Bellouti and Susanne Schaefer-Doerrenberg / Interior photography by Tony Baillargeat, Elias Bellouti and Susanne Shaefer-Doerrenberg / Special Thanks to Susanne Doerrenberg, Andreas Flack, stéphane Moisset, Pierre Chatellier, Jessica and Thelma Aberg, Marlon Lenox, Salma Lahmer, Marwan Salim Camelia and Dalila Bellouti, Djibril, Phyllis Glaeser, Héliopolis Corporation. / All tracks published by Kriminelle Records Coproduced by: Kriminelle Records / Général Director: Elias Bellouti Artistic Director: Samuel Bouriahi / Communication Director: Stéphane Moisset Assistant Artistic Director: Pierre Chatellier CD Bob Lenox Season of Souls © Frémeaux & Associés. (frémeaux, frémaux, frémau, frémaud, frémault, frémo, frémont, fermeaux, fremeaux, fremaux, fremau, fremaud, fremault, fremo, fremont, CD audio, 78 tours, disques anciens, CD à acheter, écouter des vieux enregistrements, albums, rééditions, anthologies ou intégrales sont disponibles sous forme de CD et par téléchargement.)
Season of Souls
© 2007 2008 KRecords - Groupe Frémeaux Colombini SAS
© 2007 2008 KRecords - Groupe Frémeaux Colombini SAS
All lyrics are written for the feeling of the words…
Not the correctness…
Language as a sound…
Is not a test.
Feel free to change any words you wish…
If that makes you feel better…
Bob Lenox
With a bag full of dope
And a million women on my mind
And the changing of the life
I always thought, that love was blind
The day you were born,
You came out ready to fight,
I sat down and cried,
Overwhelmed by the sight,
Of this beautiful love in your eyes,
My life is fine,
With you in my mind,
When I go there,
I don’t feel alone,
Life is divine,
With you in my mind,
But it’s better,
When you’re in my arms
And then came the fears,
Of the life and all of its lies,
The sad part I know,
Is I have to go,
And leave you alone in your life…
This life is fine,
You showed me just what to do,
When I’m feelin’ down,
I’ll just turn around,
And bring my heart back to you
In the morning through my window
There’s a world a scrambling
to be free
And when I disappear for
the change of my skin
I’ll be found inside the mystery
Take me on the road again
They’re pushing me to go now
I must begin again
And the angels on my shoulder
Telling me about you
And I’ll be there the very next
time I’m thru
To say the things I must
They’re comin’ to take me away
long time ago…
I don’t wanna care to spend
my life
Shadowed in lies so I go with
a smile by an’ by….
Sister fly’s makin’ time
Trying to beat the police to the country line
A voidin’ legal action for her life of crime
She’ll relieve you of your story
Oh sister fly’s out tonight if you got some time
She’ll make some money on you
Learned about the bible but she turned around to sin
Claimed that the devil done took her in
And the only peace of mind was in a bottle of gin
She will tell you a sad story
Oh sister fly’s out tonight if you got some time
You can get down and get a piece of glory
Plays a little game and you think you gonna win
Look for your wallet and you find it’s gone
Tells you that’s the breaks so move along
She’ll get you into heaven, for a donation
Checkout the speech on reincanation
Give her a dollar if you wanna come back
But she’s gonna use the money for a Cadillac
She will tell you a sad story
Oh sister fly’s out tonight if you got some time
She relieve you of your money and she’ll give you glory
Mastered at Translab Studios, PARIS
Arrangements by Eric St-Laurent