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- Our Catalog
- Philosophy
- Philosophers of the 20th century and today
- History of Philosophy (PUF)
- Counter-History and Brief Encyclopedia by Michel Onfray
- The philosophical work explained by Luc Ferry
- Ancient thought
- Thinkers of yesterday as seen by the philosophers of today
- Historical philosophical texts interpreted by great actors
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- Rock - Country - Cajun
- French song
- World music
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- France
- Québec / Canada
- Hawaï
- West Indies
- Caribbean
- Cuba & Afro-cubain
- Mexico
- South America
- Tango
- Brazil
- Tzigane / Gypsy
- Fado / Portugal
- Flamenco / Spain
- Yiddish / Israel
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Ref.: FA5390
Label : Frémeaux & Associés
Total duration of the pack : 4 hours 15 minutes
Nbre. CD : 4

This 4 CD box set delivers an philosophical analysis of Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz and their theories by one of the greatest philosopher of our times: Luc Ferry. Mainly known for his political commitment (he was the minister for Education between 2002 and 2004, Luc Ferry has a great career as a writer and as a teacher. These skills enable him to deliver an amazingly clear-to-understand speech (exclusively recorded in studio for Frémeaux & Associés) about one of the most important philosopher of the 20th Century with a remarkable analysis on his works. In French.




PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1René DescartesLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:572012
2Ses ouvragesLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:05:312012
3Aborder DescartesLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:06:352012
4Le doute cartésienLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:592012
5La première méditationLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:07:382012
6Le Dieu trompeur et le malin génieLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:192012
7Querelles d'interprétationLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:522012
8L'erreur de FoucaultLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:252012
9L'entrée dans le monde de l'égalitéLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:552012
10L'interprétation de DerridaLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:022012
11Cogito ergo sumLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:382012
12Critique de DescartesLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:182012
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1L'argument ontologique: De l'idée de Dieu à son existenceLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:412012
2L'Être nécessaireLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:562012
3Répondre à la finitude humaineLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:07:012012
4La garantie divineLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:07:382012
5Les voies du Seigneur sont impénétrablesLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:542012
6La création continuée du mondeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:172012
7La postérité: l'avant-gardeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:05:132012
8L'esthétique cartésienneLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:412012
9Seul l'entendement saisit l'essenceLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:552012
10La querelle des bouffonsLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:02:212012
11Rien n'arrive dans ce monde sans raisonLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:192012
12Maitriser la natureLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:06:392012
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Spinoza et LeibnizLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:312012
2Un système philosophique pour le salutLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:322012
3Le but pratique de la philosophieLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:362012
4Organiser sa réflexionLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:532012
5L'existence du malLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:532012
6Theodicée de LeibnizLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:142012
7Les trois principes de la créationLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:402012
8Le principe du meilleurLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:342012
9Le monde réel est le seul possibleLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:05:052012
10Les monades sont sans portes ni fenêtresLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:372012
11Dieu harmonise nos représentationsLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:06:532012
12Spinoza une théorie du mondeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:402012
13Contradiction de l'énonciationLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:322012
14L'illusion du libre arbitreLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:05:302012
15Liberté par la compréhension des causesLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:442012
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Il suffit de ne pas comprendre pour moraliserLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:06:102012
2Abandonner le jugement moralLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:05:252012
3Le mal, illusion de l'ignorance?Luc FerryLuc Ferry00:06:212012
4La perfection de l'ensembleLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:05:392012
5Indignes du bonheur?Luc FerryLuc Ferry00:02:532012
6Les trois genres de connaissancesLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:05:002012
7Connaitre les causes et les essencesLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:05:322012
8Doctrine du SalutLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:302012
9Deleuze, la pâtée et le chienLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:05:092012
10Expérimenter que je suis éternelLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:07:002012
11Passer de l'ignorance à la sagesseLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:06:002012
12Instiller le désir de sagesseLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:04:052012
13Un système dogmatiqueLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:582012
14La sage spinoziste n'existe pasLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:502012