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- Our Catalog
- Philosophy
- Philosophers of the 20th century and today
- History of Philosophy (PUF)
- Counter-History and Brief Encyclopedia by Michel Onfray
- The philosophical work explained by Luc Ferry
- Ancient thought
- Thinkers of yesterday as seen by the philosophers of today
- Historical philosophical texts interpreted by great actors
- History
- Books (in French)
- Social science
- Historical words
- Audiobooks & Literature
- Our Catalog
- Jazz
- Blues
- Rock - Country - Cajun
- French song
- World music
- Africa
- France
- Québec / Canada
- Hawaï
- West Indies
- Caribbean
- Cuba & Afro-cubain
- Mexico
- South America
- Tango
- Brazil
- Tzigane / Gypsy
- Fado / Portugal
- Flamenco / Spain
- Yiddish / Israel
- China
- Tibet / Nepal
- Asia
- Indian Ocean / Madagascar
- Japan
- Indonesia
- Oceania
- India
- Bangladesh
- USSR / Communist songs
- World music / Miscellaneous
- Classical music
- Composers - Movie Soundtracks
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Ref.: FA5651
Label : Frémeaux & Associés
Total duration of the pack : 2 hours 39 minutes
Nbre. CD : 3

French Philosopher Michel Onfray, deals with the specificity of secularism in the French institutions and history. 3 CD In French.



PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Introduction de Françoise BaréMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:03:062016
2Michel Onfray et le positionnement médiatiqueMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:382016
3Le temps de l'informationMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:02:222016
4Une conception chrétienne du tempsMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:442016
5Religions, politique et démocratieMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:03:002016
6L'histoire de l'histoire de la philosophieMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:06:482016
7La généalogie des religionsMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:292016
8De l'animisme au polythéismeMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:392016
9Le paganismeMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:212016
10Akhenaton ou le premier monothéismeMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:02:402016
11Monothéismes ou la loi des bibliothèquesMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:07:212016
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Fabriquer la biographie de JésusMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:192016
2Le christianisme, modèle par Saint-PaulMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:03:212016
3Laicité vs. théocratieMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:07:072016
4La RenaissanceMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:482016
5La modernité de MontaigneMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:07:182016
6L'apparition d'une logique déisteMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:142016
7Les prémices de l'athéismeMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:162016
8Séparation des églises et de l'étatMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:192016
9Le retour du religieuxMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:03:582016
10Connaître et définir l'IslamMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:532016
11Faire passer l'esprit avant la lettreMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:06:062016
12Une nouvelle ère des croisadesMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:06:562016
13Laïcité et religionMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:01:512016
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Le cycle des civilisationsMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:07:082016
2Liberté et déterminismeMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:02:182016
3Efficience, rationalité et compassionMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:332016
4Un socialisme prétendûment utopiqueMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:142016
5Le déclin de David EngelsMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:03:322016
6Le nihilisme nietzscheenMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:06:182016
7Le travail de philosopheMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:562016
8Faire partager une vision personnelle du mondeMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:03:462016
9Le génie du peupleMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:03:492016