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Ref.: FA5655
Label : Frémeaux & Associés
Total duration of the pack : 3 hours 51 minutes
Nbre. CD : 3

73 concepts inherited from the Greek Mythology explained in 2/3 minutes by French Philosopher Luc Ferry. Playful. In French.
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Les mots de la MythologieLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:02:572016
2Toucher le pactoleLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:132016
3ErosLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:042016
4La boîte de PandoreLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:092016
5Le supplice de TantaleLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:032016
6Un lit de ProcusteLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:082016
7Le fil d'ArianeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:232016
8Les musesLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:172016
9L'âge d'orLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:162016
10Faire un laiüsLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:132016
11Le caducéeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:152016
12Essuyer un typhonLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:392016
13Le tonneau des DanaïdesLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:062016
14MéduseLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:052016
15PsychéLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:192016
16CéréaleLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:042016
17Le complexe d 'OEdipeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:302016
18Le cyprèsLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:02:582016
19Un orphéonLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:092016
20Jouer les CassandreLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:132016
21IcareLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:032016
22La pomme de discordeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:082016
23L'argusLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:102016
24Un pythonLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:182016
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Une chimèreLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:282016
2Etre né de la cuisse de JupiterLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:102016
3EuropeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:072016
4Les HarpiesLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:022016
5La flûte de PanLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:112016
6Le dieu PanLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:222016
7L'ElesponLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:082016
8L'odysséeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:092016
9LaconiqueLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:022016
10Le CerbèreLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:02:472016
11AdonisLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:012016
12Tomber de Charybde en ScyllaLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:02:572016
13Corne d'abondance/Sous l'égide deLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:032016
14Un cheval de TroieLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:152016
15Le bosphore et la mer ionienneLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:102016
16Un calme olympienLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:072016
17un talon d4achilleLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:062016
18Un combat homériqueLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:102016
19Un rire homériqueLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:012016
20Un ApolonLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:092016
21Un PygmalionLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:052016
22Etre dans la gloire de BacchusLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:132016
23Le miracle grecLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:142016
24La barque de CharonLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:162016
25CupidonLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:142016
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1AphroditeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:132016
2Avoir des yeux de lynxLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:182016
3Un épigoneLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:122016
4Amour platoniqueLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:212016
5Tomber dans les bras de MorphéeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:132016
6ThanatosLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:082016
7Un béotienLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:082016
8AsclépiosLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:172016
9Prendre le taureau par les cornesLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:072016
10La chouette de MinerveLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:102016
11Hermès/MercureLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:132016
12sysipheLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:252016
13un rossignol d'ArcadieLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:132016
14Une tunique de NessosLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:112016
15SosieLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:082016
16L'homme prométhéenLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:102016
17DithyrambeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:102016
18Le chant des sirènesLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:122016
19NarcisseLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:052016
20L'EchoLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:082016
21AréopageLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:182016
22Un atlasLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:152016
23VulcainLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:02:592016
24PloutocratieLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:02:512016