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- The philosophical work explained by Luc Ferry
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- Tzigane / Gypsy
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Ref.: FA5611
Label : Frémeaux & Associés
Total duration of the pack : 3 hours 51 minutes
Nbre. CD : 3

72 philosophical concepts explained in 2/3 minutes by French Philosopher Luc Ferry. Playful. In French




PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Le travailLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:02:592015
2La peurLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:022015
3AgapeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:132015
4ErosLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:02:572015
5PhiliaLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:02:562015
6Le mariageLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:072015
7L'âgeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:072015
8Le jeunismeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:052015
9Le diableLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:112015
10La méchancetéLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:152015
11Le mal métaphysiqueLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:102015
12Le mal physiqueLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:112015
13Le mythe de l'abeilleLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:162015
14Espoir et désespoirLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:042015
15Le nihilismeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:022015
16La querelle du peuplierLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:192015
17La bohèmeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:02:032015
18L'étonnementLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:152015
19L'europe laïqueLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:052015
20La laïcitéLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:032015
21L'animalLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:102015
22L'écologieLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:092015
23Le sensLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:02:582015
24L'éducationLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:032015
25L'argentLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:092015
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Philo vs. PsychanalyseLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:132015
2Innovation destructiveLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:242015
3Les passions démocratiquesLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:142015
4Le racismeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:232015
5Le relativismeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:062015
6La civilisationLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:052015
7NoëlLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:152015
8Le religieuxLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:132015
9La spiritualité laïqueLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:112015
10L'odysséeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:072015
11Le bonheurLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:322015
12L'artLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:122015
13L'histoire de l'artLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:232015
14L'absurdeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:172015
15Le sportLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:172015
16La banalité du malLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:232015
17Les droits de l'hommeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:072015
18La critique des droits de l'hommeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:122015
19Frankenstein et les OGMLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:122015
20L'existence de dieuLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:142015
21Le sophismeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:112015
22PlatonLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:122015
23La véritéLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:092015
24Plaisir et douleurLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:122015
PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Vérité et sincéritéLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:202015
2Le discours scientifiqueLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:142015
3L'existentialismeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:022015
4La mauvaise foiLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:162015
5Le néantLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:072015
6La réificationLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:062015
7La volonté de puissanceLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:092015
8La décadenceLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:112015
9Le grand styleLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:162015
10L'éternel retourLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:162015
11L'esthétiqueLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:182015
12Les critères du beauLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:182015
13Le baroqueLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:062015
14L'empirismeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:132015
15Le génieLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:142015
16Génie critique d'art et muséeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:142015
17La classification des artsLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:202015
18Le désenchantement du mondeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:082015
19La raison instrumentale et objectiveLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:212015
20La techniqueLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:042015
21La philosophieLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:172015
22La tragédieLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:092015
23L'altruismeLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:132015
24L'autonomieLuc FerryLuc Ferry00:03:092015