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- The philosophical work explained by Luc Ferry
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- Tzigane / Gypsy
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Ref.: FA5410
Label : Frémeaux & Associés
Total duration of the pack : 1 hours 15 minutes
Nbre. CD : 1

George Brummell is the most famous British Dandy of the 19th century, his rebellious way of life inspired a lot of writers and film directors. Michel Onfray helps us to reconsider this point of view, through a philosophical deconstruction of this myth, which allows us to have a true knowledge of Brummell. In French.





PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Le mythe du dandyMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:082013
2Le dandy et sa scèneMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:532013
3Vaincre par l'anecdoteMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:03:142013
4Bouffon du roiMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:422013
5Vers la déchéanceMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:08:552013
6Sa fin de vie à CaenMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:06:172013
7Barbey d'AurevillyMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:002013
8Réinventer un personnageMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:07:252013
9Une théorie du dandysmeMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:592013
10L'art du je-ne-sais-quoiMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:202013
11ConclusionMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:02:052013
12L'utilité du mytheMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:02:112013
13De l'origine du mot à son application aujourd'huiMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:132013
14Camus et le dandysmeMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:05:572013
15Une femme dandyMichel OnfrayMichel Onfray00:04:372013