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Ref.: FA666
Artistic Direction : PIERRE HUGUET
Label : Frémeaux & Associés
Total duration of the pack : 1 hours 6 minutes
Nbre. CD : 0

“Gibbons, Helmeted Hornbills, Cicada, Indian Cuckoos and Asian Fairy Blue Birds recorded by Pierre Huguet in a pirogue slipping trough the heart of the oldest forest in the world (it has existed for 120 thousand years without climatic upheaval). The CD presents also a guide to identify the species that are typical of Malaysia.” Patrick Frémeaux




PisteTitleMain artistAutorDurationRegistered in
1Concert de MalaisieMalaysia Concert00:57:351996
2Calao rhinocérosRhinoceros Hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros)00:00:351996
3Drongo à raquettesGreater Racket-tailed Drongo (Dicrurus paradiseus)00:00:231996
4Barbu arlequinRed Throated Barbet (Megalaima mystacophanos)00:00:291996
5Barbu à Tête JauneYellow Crowned Barbet (Megalaima henricii)00:00:241996
6Oiseau de FéeAsian Fairy-bluebird (Irena puella)00:00:251996
7Coucou surnicouDrongo Cuckoo (Surniculus lugubris)00:00:201996
8Coucou des buissonsBrush Cuckoo (Cacomantis variolosus)00:00:251996
9Timalie à couronne rousseRufous-crowned Babbler (Chrysomma poecilotis)00:00:271996
10Timalie d'AbbottAbbott's Babbler (Malacocincla abbotti)00:00:231996
11Bulbul à tête jauneStraw-headed Bulbul (Pycnonotus zeylanicus)00:00:251996
12Grand CoucalGreater Coucal (Centropus sinensis)00:00:341996
13Grand ArgusGreat Argus (Argusianus argus)00:00:401996
14Merle ShamaWhite-rumped Shama (Copsychus malabaricus)00:00:321996
15Corneille noireCarrion Crow (Corvus corone)00:00:251996
16Singes SiamangSiamang00:00:271996
17Gibbon à Mains BlanchesWhite Banded Gibbon00:00:311996
18Coucou IndienIndian Cuckoo (eudynamis orientalis)00:00:251996
19Calao à casque rondHelmeted Hornbill (Buceros vigil)00:00:351996
20Cigale du SoirCicadas Sp00:00:351996
Malaisie-Forêt primitive
Malaisie - Forêt primitive
Malaysia - Primeval forest
There are numerous surprises in store, when you enter a tropical rainforest for the first time. In the untouched areas (primeval forest) there is a great deal of light – only 10 to 30% of the sun’s rays reach the ground. The trunks of the trees all look alike and on the ground, the vegetation, which is relatively sparse on account of the gloom, does not hinder your progress. The heat is not oppressive, rarely exceeding twenty-seven degrees Centigrade. The animals are invisible. In short, this is anything but a “green hell” and not much of a Noah’s ark either. It takes days, months or even years to discover the incomparable complexity of this environment. The biodiversity is such that it is rare to find the same species of tree less than a hundred metres apart. The same is true of the plants and most of the animals. If you listen carefully at various times of the day and night you will hear the crying or chirping of hundred of different species of birds, insects, reptiles and mammals, forming an ever-changing soundscape. The forest that covers much of Indonesia and Malaysia is one of the finest and oldest of the equatorial forests: it has existed for 120 000 years without climatic upheaval.
Our thanks to Alain Thollier
Part one: the concert
… a journey, during which the poetic, sometimes even dramatic tension is heightened by the mythical fear of this world of creepers, innumerable organisms and supposedly hostile rustling in the undergrowth … a composition, stepping beyond the limits of a strict documentary, to tell the listener who, what, how… an impressionist sequence, combining tiny movements captured in the tropical damp... insects, birds and reptiles in the mist of the early morning and under dark skies heavy with imminent storms, all essential parts of a rite that seems immutable, tropical… a space for the imagination, for escape from the bounds of knowledge, far from the conventional, alluring images…
Part two: the guide
Identification of the principal voices in the concert by Jean-Pierre PICOT.
Identification des principales voix du concert / Identification of the principal voices in the concert
Par/by : Jean-Pierre PICOT
2. Calao rhinocéros / Rhinoceros hornbill / Buceros rhinoceros
3. Drongo à raquettes / Lesser racket tailed drongo / Dicrurus remifer
4. Barbu à gorge rouge / Red throated barbet / Megalaima mystacophanos
5. Barbu à tête jaune / Yellow crowned barbet / Magalaima henricii
6. Oiseau de fée / Asian fairy blue bird / Irena puella
7. Coucou drong / Drongo cuckoo / Surniculus lugubris
8. Coucou des buissons / Brush cuckoo / Cocomantis variolosus
9. Timalie à couronne rousse / Rufous crowed babbler / Malacopteron magnum
10. Timalie d’Abott / Abottis babbler / Trichastoma abbotti
11. Bulbul à tête jaune / Straw headed bulbul / Pycnonotus zeylanicus
12. Grand coucal / Great coucal / Coucal leucogaster
13. Grand argus / Great argus / Argusianus argus
14. Merle shama / White rumped shama / Copsychus malabaricus
15. Corvide sp / Crow sp / Corvus sp
16. Singes Siamang / Siamang / Hylobates syndactylus
17. Gibbon à mains blanches / White handed gibbon / Hylobates lar
18. Coucou indien / Indian Cuckoo / Cuculus micropterus
19. Calao à casque rond / Helmeted hornbill / Rhinoplax vigil
20. Cigale du soir (vers 18 h) / Cicadas sp / Cicada sp
Les numéros permettent également d’identifier les espèces dessinées dans le livret.
CD Nocturnes du monde © Frémeaux & Associés / Droits audio : Frémeaux & Associés - La Librairie Sonore (Producteur initial : Sittelle, Pithys, Collection Allain Bougrain Dubourg ou Ceba) / Ecouter les chants d'oiseaux sur CD : Sons et ambiances naturelles des écosystèmes - Stéreo and digital recording of the natural landscape sound. Natural sound sceneries of écosystems, Voices of the Wild Life. Les droits de cet enregistrement sont protégés par la loi. Pour toute exploitation d’illustration sonore sur CD, DVD, CD-Rom, Télévision, Cinéma, Sites internet, scénographies (théâtre, musées…), l’autorisation et un devis gratuit peuvent être obtenus auprès de Frémeaux & Associés – fax : +33 (0)1 info@fremeaux.com