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- Our Catalog
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- The philosophical work explained by Luc Ferry
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Martial Solal - Mon siècle de jazz
L’autobiographie de Martial Solal (préface d’Alain Gerber)
Réf. : FAL8985
- - Recommandé par France Musique
- - Recommandé par TSF Jazz
- - Recommandé par Jazz Radio
- - Recommandé par Couleurs Jazz
- - Recommandé par Le Monde
- - Recommandé par France Infos
Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) was the leader of the existentialist movement and author of its manifesto, "Existentialism is a humanism" (1946). His works include L'Être et le néant, La Nausée, Les Mains sales, Huis-clos and Les Mots. He exerted a major influence on the intellectual and political life of the second twentieth century. The quintessential Marxist intellectual, he ardently defended the anti-colonial cause.
Yet this man-monument divides philosophers, historians and the general public. For some, he is the thinker of the bourgeoisie; for others, the theorist of anti-totalitarianism who forgot to apply its principles. Alyosha Wald Lasowski offers a critical but fair and contextualized biography of the man who dominated thought in the second half of the 20th century. Book in French.


PARIS 1956-1962

Une autobiographie de la batterie de jazz

to Frémeaux & Associés, 20rue Robert Giraudineau, 94300 Vincennes, France
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