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La naissance de la batterie - Guillaume Nouaux
Les origines de la batterie et les premiers batteurs à La Nouvelle-Orléans
Réf. : FAL3205
Livre 400 pages
- - Recommandé par TSF Jazz
- - Recommandé par Le Monde
Born with jazz in New Orleans at the beginning of the 20th century, drums have become one of the most emblematic instruments of contemporary music. Guillaume Nouaux, is one of the greatest jazz drummers of his generation (Prix de l'Académie du Jazz, Grand Prix du Hot Club de France,...), a founding member of the Section Rythmique (Choc Jazz Magazine, Record of the Year 2015), he is much sought-after by his peers and has performed with many artists such as Chuck Berry, Donald Harrison, Steve Lacy, Jason Marsalis, Harry Allen or Evan Christopher. Here he establishes a clear and precise typology of the historical, cultural, technical and contextual elements that enabled the emergence of this instrument. He also looks back at the pioneers, the first great masters and the key figures who shaped and stylized the drums. From the roars of brass bands to the first geniuses of jazz drumming, this book is the definitive reference on the birth of the world's most popular percussion instrument. Book, 400 pages, in French.
Augustin BONDOUX & Patrick FRÉMEAUX
Guillaume Nouaux is a drummer, author, composer, artistic director and jazz bandleader. He has performed on numerous stages and jazz festivals around the world. He has developed a personal style that is both unique and innovative, while remaining deeply rooted in the heritage of the great jazz drum masters. As a teacher and author of reference works, he is unanimously recognized as one of the world's leading jazz drummers.

ANTHOLOGIE 1918-1944


Une autobiographie de la batterie de jazz

Une aventure de l’inventeur autoproclamé du...

Célébration des balayeurs célestes du jazz avec...

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