Frémeaux & Associés, the leading jazz historiography label, has joined forces with Presses Universitaires de France to publish an audio course entitled Histoire du jazz - Une musique pour les XXe et XXIe siècles (History of jazz - music for the 20th and 21st centuries) by Laurent Cugny, professor at Sorbonne University's Faculté des Lettres and former director of the ONJ (Orchestre National de Jazz). In this book, rewritten by the author from his course, he retraces the history of this music, born 120 years ago, which has never ceased to evolve in all its dimensions: musical, social, cultural, political, economic... In a little over two hundred pages, a global history, from slavery to the ECM label, from constantly renewed creation to its tireless re-reading, building a repertoire and a universal language. Book in French, 240 pages.
240 Pages
Les origines - fin de l’esclavage - blues - ragtime - nouvelle-orléans - swing - bebop - cool jazz - hard bop - free jazz - jazz-rock - world jazz - jazz vocal.