Catalogue phonographique important, de John Lee Hooker à Stéphane Grappelli en passant par Lionel Hampton ou Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, le fonds fait l’objet d’une réédition majeure sous la direction de Jean-Michel Proust (directeur de programmation de TSF JAZZ). Fondateurs de la société NIGHT & DAY, les dirigeants de BLACK & BLUE assurent par ailleurs au travers de leur société de concert JAZZ ME BLUE la programmation du Jazz Club du Méridien à Paris ou les tournées des Blues Brothers en France.
Patrick Frémeaux
The first independent publisher in the sixties in France to defend the authentic great musicians of jazz, blues and gospel, BLACK & BLUE, created by Jean-Marie Monestier and Jean-Pierre Thamazian, was behind the first big black American tours in Europe such as the Chicago Blues Festival. With a large and varied record catalogue featuring names including John Lee Hooker, Stéphane Grappelli, Lionel Hampton and Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, Jean Michel Proust is in charge of the reissues. The managers of BLACK & BLUE, founders of the company NIGHT & DAY are also responsible for the concert organising firm, JAZZ ME BLUE, which deals with the programming of the Méridien’s Jazz Club in Paris and the Blues Brothers’ French tours.