O Samba film de Guiter par Dirty Linen

"This documentary is both extremely entertaining and informative.Contemporary stars Beth Carvalho and Zeca Pagodinho are also heard from, both in interviews and in concert. This enhanced DVD includes seven bonus performances." Duck BAKER – DIRTY LINEN

"This documentary is both extremely entertaining and informative. It ranges from topic an almost desultory fashion to give us glimpses of the broader subject from different angles, starting with the popular dance step that was born during the post-slavery era. With the historical context sketched in, we are taken into the samba schools that are instrumental in the organization of the great carnival processions. Ample space is given to the musical styles that developed, including the samba’s uptown offspring, the bossa nova, as well as more modern developments. Interviews with performers like Baden Powell and Roberto Menescal are especially enlightening. Contemporary stars Beth Carvalho and Zeca Pagodinho are also heard from, both in interviews and in concert. This enhanced DVD includes seven bonus performances." Duck BAKER – DIRTY LINEN