« Nous donne accès à une quantité de titres » par Jazz Magazine - Jazzman
Catégories : Article de presse ( Article de presse )« Pour 30 € chez Frémeaux, Daniel Nevers nous fait parvenir le volume 10 – « Radio Days, 1941-1944 » de son intégrale (trois CD, livret 32 pages) et nous donne accès à une quantité de titres qui par leur nature échappent aux deux coffrets précédents : radio des forces armées (dont Nevers nous conte la grande aventure), musiques pour l’écran et un bonus de cinq acétates de qualité enregistrés en 1940 au Cotton Club et récemment retrouvés. »par JAZZ MAGAZINE – JAZZMAN
“This is also a must.” by Blues & Rhythm
Catégories : Article de presse ( Article de presse )“Clarinettist Eugène Delouche, born in 1909 in Martinique, was one of the major figures in the rise in popularity of the music of the French Caribbean in Paris in the early 1930s - he was adjudged to be the much older pioneer Stellio’s most serious rival – and Fremeaux has included many of his excellent titles on their surveys of the beguine and related music prior to the Second World War. This double CD, however, concentrates on his Ritmo label, which issued his own material in the early 1950s. The 48 tracks are in chronological order and include several previously unissued tests.As the band name indicates, there is a subtle jazz tinge to some of the material on offer here, though the bulk of the tracks sound very traditionally Caribbean. Stylistically, the majority of numbers is romping instrumental biguines, usually with Eugène’s lively playing out front sharing the lead with trombone or piano and supported by small rhythm sections. There are also examples of other Antillean st [...]
“The sound quality is excellent” by Rock n’ Reel
Catégories : Article de presse ( Article de presse )“Whereas the first volume concentrated on northern Europe and America, this (far livelier, though that might just be personal taste) ten-CD follow-up anthology heads south-west from Spain and takes in such forms as flamenco and paso doble, Brazilian samba and Argentinian tango, and the Caribbean calypso, rumba, and beguine, among others. The individual CDs have the added value of not always concentrating on the most ‘authentic’ performances – for example, the calypso set opens with American wartime sweethearts The Andrew Sisters, whose 1944 cover of ‘Rum and Coca Cola’ introduced the world to the genre, and also includes movie star Robert Mitchum (surprisingly convincing), plus performers from across the Caribbean and not just from Trinidad. The time span of these Dance Master Classics, as each set is termed, covers 1930 to 1966 (though the bluk of the performances date from the 50s), the sound quality is excellent throughout and each individual CD is well annotated and illustrate [...]
“Each item here is fascinating in one way or another” by Rock n’ Reel
Catégories : Article de presse ( Article de presse )“This double-CD presents forty-two titles from calypso’s golden age, from pre-war favourites such as Wilmoth Houdini and King Radio to younger talents such as Lord Kitchener, a long-time UK resident whose ten titles were all recorded in London, and the still active Mighty Sparrow. The topics range from sex and romance to Russian satellites, rock and roll and be-bop, and racism – Kitchener’s unexpectedly serious ‘If You’re Not White, You’re Considered Black’.There are a couple of items with steel-band accompaniment – oddly enough, both are sung by women – but most tracks feature a combination of saxophone, piano, guitar, bass, drums and various percussion. Each item here is fascinating in one way or another, and world music and Caribbean music lovers, as well as social historians, will find much to enjoy. Why, even Louis Farrakhan is here with his 1953 recording, ‘Female Boxer’. By Norman DARWEN – ROCK ‘n REEL
Maturité majestueuse et vibrante par Classica
Catégories : Article de presse ( Article de presse )“Comme les précédents volumes de cette intégrale, celui-ci est strictement indispensable, représentant un des étalons de l’art vocal négro-américain, auquel toute chanteuse se voit, inévitablement, comparé. Qui n’a pas écouté ‘Brown Baby’ ou ‘Trouble in the World’ (extrait du film de Douglas Sirk « Le Mirage de la Vie »), ne sait pas ce que chanter veut dire, pas plus qu’on ne le sait si l’on n’a entendu « Casta Diva » par La Callas ou « Le Chant de la Terre » par Kathleen Ferrier. La voix et la puissance d’expression de Mahalia Jackson atteignent dans ces séances Columbia de la fin des années 1950 leur maturité majestueuse et vibrante, d’une constante ferveur, qui font de ce nouvel album un authentique chef-d’œuvre du genre. Précisons de manière à écarter les préjugés qui feraient réserver le gospel aux seuls catholiques, que l’auditeur à qui cette voix est immédiatement sensible ne doit pas nécessairement être croyant en une transcendance : il est permis de concevoir que la ferv [...]
The relationship between dance and various forms of world music. by Blues & Rhyt
Catégories : Article de presse ( Article de presse )“These CDs are available in their own right or as part of the twenty CD ‘The Dance Master Classics – Anthologie des musiques de danse du monde’ series (split into two volumes – these are volume 9 and 10 respectively of the second anthology) that aims to look at and emphasise the relationship between dance and various forms of world music. The internationalisation of calypso is examined on the first CD under consideration here in fashion that has really been overlooked previously – so included are The Andrews Sisters’ huge selling cover of ‘Rum and Coca Cola’ from 1944, Jamaican-American Harry Belafonte’s hits from just over a decade later, when calypso was seen as a rival to rock ‘n’ roll – though The Deep River Boys hedge their bets with 1958’s ‘Calypso Rock ‘n’ Roll’ – and, most unexpectedly, a quite listenable brace from film star Robert Mitchum. Actual Trinidadians are thin on the ground, though The Duke Of Iron is present (when he recorded ‘Big Bamboo’ in 1952 he had been a [...]
« The relationship between dance and various forms of world music. » by Blues &
Catégories : Article de presse ( Article de presse )“These CDs are available in their own right or as part of the twenty CD ‘The Dance Master Classics – Anthologie des musiques de danse du monde’ series (split into two volumes – these are volume 9 and 10 respectively of the second anthology) that aims to look at and emphasise the relationship between dance and various forms of world music. The ‘Biguine’ CD is a strong set of largely post-war French Caribbean music, mostly recorded in Paris and with the emphasis on the 1950s – of the twenty tracks, all but three titles from the 1940s and two titles from 1966 are from that decade. It opens with The Original Biguine Creole Band’s 1957 updating of ‘Serpent Maigre’ – a number originally recorded by Stellio, the first to put beguine on record, at his debut session in 1929 – neatly illustrating the continuity and change in post-war beguine; by following it with Abel Beauregard’s well-known ‘La Guadeloupéenne’ of 1950, the set also cleverly presents the more accessible side of the music. B [...]
“Un buen disco de jazz, muy profesional, con solistas brillantes” por los Cuader
Catégories : Article de presse ( Article de presse )“Después de pasarse la vida desarrollando un estilo personal, y tres años antes de su muerte, Babik Reinhardt decidió abrazar el legado de su padre formando este New Quintette du Hot Club de France para el sello Iris Music. Lo cierto es que más allá del nombre la relación con el legendario grupo original es protocolaria. Reinhardt comparte protagonismo no solo con Niculescu (en el papel de Grappelli) sino también con el guitarrista Romane, con lo que desestima cualquier posibilidad de recrear el enorme poderío rítmico que caracterizaba al Quintette, si es que estos músicos poseen ese concepto. La Gibson de Reinhardt tampoco recuerda mucho a la Selmer de su padre. El pulcro sonido del estudio de Didier Lockwood (que aparece también como violinista invitado) acaba de pulir un buen disco de jazz, muy profesional, con solistas brillantes, que tal vez habría causado mejor efecto sin une etiqueta tan ambiciosa.Por Leo SANCHEZ – CUADERNOS DE JAZZ