"Everything is sung in French and played with a French accent, and the end product is splendidly unique and entertaining. If you’re looking to dip in, Passez la monnaie (otherwise known as that old flapper show tune We’re In The Money), worked over on guitar, sax, dobro, banjo, whistle, harmonica, accordeon and string bass, is a fine example of the great imagination that has gone into the arrangements." Ian ANDERSON, FOLK ROOTS, juin 1995
“The label that brought you those excellent Paris Musette albums now turns its hand to a charming conglomeration who seem to have come up with a genuinely and timelessly French approach to blues and jazz. The first thing that actually hits you on this one is a swathe of R. Crumb cartoon artwork - and it turns out that the famous underground illustrator (and one time Cheap Suit Serenader), long resident in France, has applied his banjo and uke to the proceedings as well. A quick read of titles like La Femme Panthère et l’Homme sandwich or Docteur Bottleneck goes further to indicate that a good dose of le tongue-dans-le-cheek is to be expected. Apparently the brain child of guitarist/singer Dominic Cravic, Les Primitifs mix Paris café music and cabaret influences with ’30s jazz, swing and blues. There is absolutely no attempt at mimicking American originals (which, let’s face it, the French were never hugely successful at). Everything is sung in French and played with a French accent, and the end product is splendidly unique and entertaining. If you’re looking to dip in, Passez la monnaie (otherwise known as that old flapper show tune We’re In The Money), worked over on guitar, sax, dobro, banjo, whistle, harmonica, accordeon and string bass, is a fine example of the great imagination that has gone into the arrangements.” Ian ANDERSON, FOLK ROOTS, juin 1995- Notre Catalogue
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Roots of Soul remasterisées - Offre 14 CD
Version CD
119,00 €
Version Numérique
79,95 €

Django Reinhardt - Les 40 CD de l'intégrale
L'intégrale 1928-1953
Version CD
199,00 €
Version Numérique
149,95 €

Compositeurs - L'offre 6 coffrets CD
Michel Magne, Nino Rota, Georges Delerue, Maurice Jarre,...
Version CD
134,00 €
Version Numérique
99,95 €

Découvrir le jazz
Le jazz raconté par Laurent Cugny - Le dictionnaire et...
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89,00 €
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55,95 €
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L’éditeur de référence du patrimoine musical et de la Librairie Sonore

Mon panier
Total TTC
0,00 €
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0 articles
Sélectionnés pour vous

Roots of Soul remasterisées - Offre 14 CD
Version CD
119,00 €
Version Numérique
79,95 €

Django Reinhardt - Les 40 CD de l'intégrale
L'intégrale 1928-1953
Version CD
199,00 €
Version Numérique
149,95 €

Compositeurs - L'offre 6 coffrets CD
Michel Magne, Nino Rota, Georges Delerue, Maurice Jarre,...
Version CD
134,00 €
Version Numérique
99,95 €

Découvrir le jazz
Le jazz raconté par Laurent Cugny - Le dictionnaire et...
Version CD
89,00 €
Version Numérique
55,95 €
Sélectionnés pour vous
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- Philosophes du XXème siècle et d'aujourd'hui
- Histoire de la philosophie (PUF)
- Contre-Histoire et Brève encyclopédie par Michel Onfray
- L'œuvre philosophique expliquée par Luc Ferry
- La pensée antique
- Les penseurs d'hier vus par les philosophes d'aujourd'hui
- Textes philosophiques historiques interprétés par de grands comédiens
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- Antilles
- Caraïbes
- Cuba & Afro-cubain
- Mexique
- Amérique du Sud
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- Tzigane / Gypsy
- Fado / Portugal
- Flamenco / Espagne
- Yiddish / Israël
- Chine
- Tibet / Népal
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- Océan indien / Madagascar
- Japon
- Indonésie
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- Bangladesh
- URSS / Chants communistes
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